Kolej w Rumunii

Moderator: JacekM

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Naczelne Chamidło
Posty: 27670
Rejestracja: 10 gru 2005, 12:34
Lokalizacja: so wait for me at niemandswasser

Post autor: fik » 22 kwie 2010, 20:43

MeWa pisze:Nie zanotowałem tego faktu.
Dwa posty wyżej masz zdjęcie. Czego jeszcze ci potrzeba?
MeWa pisze: śmierdzący bezdomni załatwiający się pod siebie...
Naprawdę twierdzisz, że w Rumunii nie ma tego problemu?
the only thing that closes quicker than our caskets be the factories

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Posty: 25176
Rejestracja: 14 gru 2005, 21:34
Lokalizacja: Czachówek Centralny Południowo-Środkowy

Post autor: MeWa » 22 kwie 2010, 20:58

Naprawdę twierdzisz, że w Rumunii nie ma tego problemu?
jeśli występuje, to nie rzuca się tak w oczy, jak w Warszawie czy chociażby Budapeszcie.
Dwa posty wyżej masz zdjęcie. Czego jeszcze ci potrzeba?
no i co z tego? nie przypominam sobie żadnych psów z moich pobytów tamże.

[size=0]M-1 1 7 9 14 15 182 208 523[/size]

Awatar użytkownika
Naczelne Chamidło
Posty: 27670
Rejestracja: 10 gru 2005, 12:34
Lokalizacja: so wait for me at niemandswasser

Post autor: fik » 22 kwie 2010, 21:06

MeWa pisze:no i co z tego?
To z tego, że zostało Ci udowodnione, że jest inaczej, niż twierdzisz - i że dany problem na danym dworcu występuje. Tyle, a jak nie chcesz przyjąć tego faktu do wiadomości, to zachowaj to dla siebie.
the only thing that closes quicker than our caskets be the factories

Adam G.
Posty: 5443
Rejestracja: 15 gru 2005, 19:56
Lokalizacja: Żoliborz

Post autor: Adam G. » 23 kwie 2010, 0:41

Hmm, odniosłem wrażenie że menelstwa jest tam jednak mniej niż choćby w Warszawie. Psów na dworcu w Bukareszcie nie widziałem, były za to gdzie indziej - np. w Braili :)

Awatar użytkownika
Naczelne Chamidło
Posty: 27670
Rejestracja: 10 gru 2005, 12:34
Lokalizacja: so wait for me at niemandswasser

Post autor: fik » 04 lis 2010, 15:16

Trochę archiwalnych cegieł CFR: http://tren.transira.ro/Arhiva/Actualizari.htm
the only thing that closes quicker than our caskets be the factories

Posty: 10155
Rejestracja: 15 gru 2005, 14:23

Post autor: JacekM » 30 mar 2011, 18:29

Balkan Insight pisze:Romania To Close Railways To Save Money

Romania is to shut down around 7 per cent of its railway lines and many more lines face closure in the future.

With around 20,000km of railways, Romania has Europe’s eighth longest rail network, but it is kilometres away from the state-of-art infrastructure seen in parts of Western Europe.

Now the country's Transport Ministry is to close 1,474km of unprofitable lines, and diverting the funds to more important segments of the network.

A draft decision drawn up by the ministry says the closures will relieve the state budget and the national railway company of the burden of investment and repairs.

The state-owned rail company, CFR, will use the extra money to update the parts of the rail network that handle the most passenger and cargo traffic.

"We have to close some railways, as the CFR registered losses of around 1.2 billion euros over the past decade,” Transport Minister Anca Boagiu said on Tuesday.

This is just the first step. According to a letter of intent agreed in February by the government and the IMF, the CFR is to close a further 6,000 kilometres unless the state outsource their maintenance through public tenders. The company is obliged to reduce its losses by 25 per cent and register no more arrears from 2011.

Transport experts say the decision to close railways goes against a Europe-wide trend, which emphasises the importanceof railways as a cheaper and greener form of transport than motor cars.

"In the short term, the decision is right because there has to be put an end to the continous losses registered by the CFR," infrastructure expert Stefan Roseanu said.

"But the transport ministry needs to come up with a strategy for the future of railways because train transport remains a convenient, cheap and environmentally friendly form of transport," he added.

Romania's rail network employs about 70,000 people. Much of the infrastructure requires urgent modernisation as trains currently run at low speeds due to outdated track and signalling problems. A few lines are being modernised with EU funds.
Zna ktoś szczegóły?
bury me in my favourite yellow patent leather shoes / and with a mummified cat / and a cone-like hat.

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Posty: 3282
Rejestracja: 06 mar 2006, 22:11
Lokalizacja: Transplovietia

Post autor: jasiu » 30 mar 2011, 20:22

nie zdziwię się jak szczegółów dowiemy się po fakcie (vide: wycięcie międzynarodówki w Grecji)

Adam G.
Posty: 5443
Rejestracja: 15 gru 2005, 19:56
Lokalizacja: Żoliborz

Post autor: Adam G. » 30 mar 2011, 20:29

jasiu pisze:nie zdziwię się jak szczegółów dowiemy się po fakcie (vide: wycięcie międzynarodówki w Grecji)
W informacjach prasowych CFR niczego nie znalazłem, a chyba powinni tam coś umieścić... :-k

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 25176
Rejestracja: 14 gru 2005, 21:34
Lokalizacja: Czachówek Centralny Południowo-Środkowy

Post autor: MeWa » 30 mar 2011, 20:45

Adam G. pisze:
jasiu pisze:nie zdziwię się jak szczegółów dowiemy się po fakcie (vide: wycięcie międzynarodówki w Grecji)
W informacjach prasowych CFR niczego nie znalazłem, a chyba powinni tam coś umieścić... :-k
to prędzej na stronie Ministerstwa. Ale nie muszą przecież informować o planach w postaci informacji prasowej.

[size=0]M-1 1 7 9 14 15 182 208 523[/size]

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Posty: 3937
Rejestracja: 25 paź 2009, 22:07
Lokalizacja: Natolin

Post autor: chester » 31 mar 2011, 19:45

Coś jednak na rzeczy jest:


to Mrs. Minister of Transport


Dear Mrs. Minister,

The Romanian Railway Industry Association wants to address you several points of view regarding the problem of the announced shut-down of the railways part of the Romanian rail network. Considering the recent issue of the White Paper on Transport 2011, strategic document of the European Union, we believe Romania should also take real steps towards encouraging the mobility growth of freight and passengers based on environmentally friendly conditions.

The scientific studies carried out under the aegis of the European Union have constantly proved the superiority of the railways in reducing pollution, occupation of space and traffic ease.

The implementation of the Draft"Government Decision for approval of the shut-down of railway infrastructure sections property of the state under the administration of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and concessioned to the National Infrastructure Manager "C.F.R." - S.A. and/or private property of the National Infrastructure Manager "C.F.R." - S.A., published on the web site of the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, visibly affects the mobility of passengers and freight on Romanian territory, as:

 1.. 1. The project analysis is seriously affected by the lack of transparency in identifying the sections to be closed and turned into account on the waste market. The Draft Government Decision does not include the list of lines to be shut-down, thus obstructing a real and objective analysis of the draft.

 2.. 2. In elaborating the list (Annex 1, integrated part of the Government Decision), no commercial or non-profit organisation interested in the rail transport activity was consulted. The list published on the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure's web site only on March 25 (and then withdrawn) mirrors, from our point of view, the short-term interests of state-owned rail companies. In the attempt of reducing the wage and track maintenance costs on the short-term, the Romanian state risks ignoring, by means of this Government Decision, the investment projects of Romanian economic operators.

 3.. 3. The Draft Government Decision does not provide an alternative to the decision of shutting down the sections included in the annex. We are well aware of the fact that current economic conditions in Romania impose the reshaping of the rail network, but we believe it is necessary to try and maintain operational those railway sectors that can help a region develop. To that end, we propose launching a communication campaign of lines to be shut down, with the purpose of attracting companies and local authorities in leasing, procurement or concession projects on the lines of interest. After having developed such campaigns and related tenders, we could consider the shut-down decision in the case of those lines in which nobody expressed interest.

 4.. 4. We believe it is mandatory to correlate the line shut-down programme with the railway investment programmes developed by the Romanian Government and/or CFR SA. The shut-down of several lines has to be reconsidered, taking into account the investments on European corridors and in line with the traffic medium and long-term prospects. We believe the commitment of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, assumed through CFR S.A.'s Activity Contract for 2008-2011, to include in the company's annual budget the amounts necessary for repairs of the public rail infrastructure and for stopping the technical degradation of the infrastructure, has to be kept, including in what concerns the medium and long term projects in Romania. Contrarily, the current project could prevent the correct and efficient implementation of investment projects on the TEN-T network.

 5.. 5. From the list that was temporarily published on the web site of the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, we have identified several projects which reveal a carelessness in what concerns the disbursement of the Romanian public or European money. Among them, Râmnicu Vâlcea - Vâlcele Project is perhaps the most relevant example. An investment project under development for which, as far as we know, in the past years, have been spent EUR 60-100 Million and whose use to transport on the axis Constanta - Bucharest - Berlin is undoubtedly, as it reduces the route by 107 km and the use of a much more accessible route from the geographical point of view (reduced energy consumption, reduced air pollution) is to be abandoned and the materials thus resulted recycled.

 6.. 6. The same happens with several passenger transport lines, such as the line to Snagov (Caciulati - Snagov Plaje), the line to Slanic Prahova or the line to the city of Turda, and these are only few examples. Romania's urbanisation process is thus at risk, the population in these areas being denied the access to the economic and social life of the city near which they live.

Considering the above-mentioned points representing only a small part of the problems raised by a potential shut-down of the railways, we ask you to urgently organise public debates on this topic in order to identify real financing solutions and the way in which the economic and administrative community in Romania can contribute to the recovery of parts of the sections for which shut-down is being considered.

We also ask the ministry to submit to debate the way in which this project amends CFR Marfa's operation conditions and the way in which the reduction of the railway network affects the market price of the operator.

Last but not least, we ask the initiation of a debate on a new strategy of the Romanian railway sector that would take into account the pragmatic documents of the European Union, the real situation of the railway sector and of the Romanian economy, as well as the fact that the validity period of the 2001 strategy ended in 2010.

Please accept the expression of our deepest consideration,

Stefan Roseanu
Secretary General
AIF - Romanian Railway Industry Association
Dlaczego pieprzone pierożki są dobre, a pieprzone życie już nie? (B. Schaeffer)
Historia uczy jednego - nigdy nikogo niczego nie nauczyła.

Awatar użytkownika
Naczelne Chamidło
Posty: 27670
Rejestracja: 10 gru 2005, 12:34
Lokalizacja: so wait for me at niemandswasser

Post autor: fik » 31 mar 2011, 19:51

Ale to nie pierwszy raz - zazwyczaj te "zamykane" linie przechodzą w ręce prywaciarzy.
the only thing that closes quicker than our caskets be the factories

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 3282
Rejestracja: 06 mar 2006, 22:11
Lokalizacja: Transplovietia

Post autor: jasiu » 31 mar 2011, 20:13

swoją drogą, dwugodzinny takt na trasie Budapeszt - Arad robi wrażenie

Adam G.
Posty: 5443
Rejestracja: 15 gru 2005, 19:56
Lokalizacja: Żoliborz

Post autor: Adam G. » 31 mar 2011, 21:34

jasiu pisze:swoją drogą, dwugodzinny takt na trasie Budapeszt - Arad robi wrażenie
Lecz nie dziwi, biorąc pod uwagę demografię tamtych okolic ;]

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Posty: 3937
Rejestracja: 25 paź 2009, 22:07
Lokalizacja: Natolin

Post autor: chester » 07 kwie 2011, 9:34

Social Dialogue Commission, reunited by the Romanian Ministry of Transport for the decision of shutting down the railway lines

Today, April 7, 2011, the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (MTI) calls forth in regular meeting the Social Dialogue Commission for the decision of shutting down the railway lines.

The meeting has four debating points on the agenda, two of which on the shut-down and lease of railway lines.

The meeting comes after the same problem of shutting the railways was on the agenda of the Commission reunited on March 31, during the submission of suggestions on the Government's Decision.

The deadline for sending observations on the Transport Ministry's proposal was April 3, 2011.

According to Railway Insider, none of the railway patronal and professional organisations were informed on the matter.

Therefore, the Transport Ministry continues to refuse the dialogue invitation.
Dlaczego pieprzone pierożki są dobre, a pieprzone życie już nie? (B. Schaeffer)
Historia uczy jednego - nigdy nikogo niczego nie nauczyła.

Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 3937
Rejestracja: 25 paź 2009, 22:07
Lokalizacja: Natolin

Post autor: chester » 08 kwie 2011, 15:04



President of Romania

2011=1,500 km of vanished railways?

Your Excellency,

The Romanian Railway Industry Association (AIF) calls on the Presidential Institution in a matter of acute importance for Romania and for the European Union, both from the perspective of national and European security and for guaranteeing the continuity of the economic and social life in this European Region.

The Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure considers shutting down almost 1,500 km of railway lines, without submitting the present and future use of the lines proposed for shutdown to public debate.

Therefore, on March 31, 2011, the Romanian Railway Industry Association demanded the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure to organise a public debate about the profitability of the lines to be put off traffic for transport of both passengers and freight.

Unfortunately, we have noticed the intention of the Romanian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of closing the lines as soon as possible and at any cost, without a prerequisite consulting of all the factors involved, as long as the draft Government Decision was included in the discussions of the Ministry's Social Dialogue Commission in the middle of the period allocated to submission of observations and comments, as on April 7, 2011, the Ministry organised an extraordinary reunion with the main topics focused on the shut down of lines and the leasing of other line sections.

We are calling on the Presidential Institution, since you and the members of the institution you lead have played an active part in the development of the transport sector, in building a strong position of the eastern flank of the European Union and NATO, as well as in the problem of critical infrastructures protection.

The lists with the railways to be shut down include railway lines part of the pan-European Corridor IV (Priority Axis 22 of the European Union and Freight Corridor VII), a priority investment objective for Romania and the European Union. The shutdown of these lines will dramatically reduce the transport volume, leading, in the end, to the isolation of the Port of Constanţa and of Romania on the economic map of the European Union.

All investments in increasing the transport speed and traffic safety will prove useless considering the fact that all train connections will be difficult to realize, leading to a reduction in the rail transport capacity and removing the freight transport ships from the Port of Constanţa.

Your Excellency,

We ask for your support in organizing, under the aegis of the Presidential Administration, a public debate involving public central and local authorities, railway organisations and representatives of the great industrial platforms in order to identify the real profitability of the lines and financing sources for these lines.

Please receive the expression of our high consideration,

Ştefan Roşeanu,

Secretary General AIF

About AIF: The Romanian Railway Industry Association is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation whose goal is to increase the popularity of railway transport in Romania and to promote the railways as main means of transport for goods and passengers. The Association's objectives is intensifying the dialogue between the representatives of the railway industry and the beneficiaries of the industry products by identifying the best technical and financial solutions for the railway products in Romania and abroad.
Dlaczego pieprzone pierożki są dobre, a pieprzone życie już nie? (B. Schaeffer)
Historia uczy jednego - nigdy nikogo niczego nie nauczyła.